St. Jerome Cemetery

A Catholic cemetery is a sacred place of honor and respect for those who have died and a memorial to all who are interred there. It is a sacred place where Catholics come to express their grief and hope in the resurrection for their loved ones who have preceded them in death. It is blessed ground, fitting for someone whose body was a temple of the Holy Spirit on earth and now awaits the resurrection from the dead.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

“The bodies of the dead must be treated with respect and charity, in faith and hope in the Resurrection. The burial of the dead is a corporal work of mercy; it honors the children of God, who are temples of the Holy Spirit.” – Catechism of the Catholic Church

Our parish cemetery is located on Thyer St. in Columbus and is closed from November – March.

St. Jerome Cemetery Guidelines

  • Plantings of trees, scrubs and flowers are not permitted in the cemetery.
  • Wreaths and flowers must be on a shepherd’s hook or attached to the monuments.
  • Flower vases are not allowed to be left in the cemetery.
  • We ask that decorations be cleaned up and/or replaced by October 15th

Plot Information

  • Plots can be purchased at anytime by contacting our parish office or our Cemetery Managers Bob and Janet Groh at 920-623-2276.
  • We work with any monument company and can also recommend one.
  • We allow one casket burial per plot, or one cremation and one casket per plot, or two cremations per plot.


For further questions regarding our cemetery please contact our Cemetery Sexton, Janet Groh at 920-623-2276.